For over 2000 years Acupuncture has helped patients alleviate pain and treat various physical, mental and emotional conditions. It is gentle and effective, designed to help the mind, body and spirit to become a balanced unit to promote wellness.
Each treatment is unique, based on your particular need in a specific moment in time.
Acupuncture has been recognized by the National Institute of Health and/or the World Health Organization to be effective in the treatment of:
Addiction | Fatigue | Rhinitis |
Anxiety | Fertility | Sciatica |
Arthritis | Fibromyalgia | Seasonal Affective Disorder |
Asthma | Gingivitis | Shoulder Pain |
Bronchitis | Headache | Sinusitis |
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Hiccoughs | Sleep Disturbances |
Chronic Fatigue | Incontinence | Smoking Cessation |
Colitis | Indigestion | Sore Throat |
Common Cold | IBS | Stress |
Constipation | Low Back Pain | Tennis Elbow |
Dental Pain | Menopause | Tonsillitis |
Depression | Menstrual Issues | Tooth Pain |
Diarrhea | Morning Sickness | Trigeminal Neuralgria |
Digestive Trouble | Nausea | Urinary Tract Infections |
Dizziness | Osteoarthritis | Vomiting |
Dysentery | Pneumonia | |
Facial Palsy | Reproductive Problems |
For answers to frequently asked questions, click to visit my FAQ page.
“Because of acupuncture, and this is not something I say lightly, it’s been a pivotal year in my life. The decision to try acupuncture, followed by the changes that have come along with that, has saved my life. I’m beginning to have a life, where before I just existed.” |